TMCH API2 Documentation & XSD

API (Automated Interface)

The TMCH project provides an automated interface to allow users to interact in an automated fashion with the data stored in the Clearinghouse database (TMCH database). XML has been widely used by registries and registrars to provide an automated interfaces (the API) for their data exchange. This API provides similar functionality and will be provided using TLS to be as close to the current EPP standard as possible. The API may only be used by Trademark Agents that have contracted with the Clearinghouse.

This zip archive contains samples of commands and responses based on the XSD that should help building implementations to use the API provided to get direct access to the various objects in the TMCH database in an automated fashion.

In the Documentation folder you can find text (.txt) document containing a list of all Poll messages and Error codes and their ID numbers, a list of all Jurisdictions, a list of all & and @ transliterations and the API manual with command and response samples.

The complete XSD scheme and Mark schemes can be found in the XSD folder. It the XSD scheme extends the Signed Mark Data (SMD) XSD description draft-lozano-smd-01.txt that was provided by ICANN, which is also contained in the folder. The structure of the mark block is intentionally included and not modified to prevent misunderstanding, make the mapping easy and prevent misinterpretation of the various fields.


Update: API certificate has been upgraded to a trusted CA certificate

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Jeudi, 6 Octobre, 2022