
Résultats de la recherche

  1. To benefit from the Sunrise service, do I need to submit a sample of Proof of Use even if my trademark registration is based on proven usage?

    ... in the Clearinghouse and wish to benefit from the Sunrise service, you will have to submit a single sample of Proof of Use as ...

  2. Reasons to record your marks in the Trademark Clearinghouse

    ... the Trademark Clearinghouse to benefit from both the Sunrise Services and the Claims Notification Services . Subscription in ... is based on annual fees which cover access to all Sunrise Periods active in that period and all Notifications triggered in that ...

  3. Что мне дает регистрация?

    ... использования периода Sunrise для новозарегистрированных gTLD, а ... на жалобы Trademark Claims service. Sunrise является начальным периодом ... использовать преимущество Sunrise для защиты доменных имен, совпадающих ...

  4. Can a Registry Operator register or allocate domain names to non-Sunrise Eligible Holders prior to completion of the Sunrise Period?

    ... rule is that domain names may only be registered during a Sunrise Period to Sunrise -Eligible Rights Holders who have a valid SMD file issued by the ...

  5. Final Call! .kids Sunrise period is ending soon

    ... Clearinghouse would like to kindly remind you that the Sunrise period of .kids is ending soon on Wednesday September 14 th (UTC ... Find a registrar that is participating in .kids's Sunrise Period exclusively for trademark holders via and ...

  6. .BANK Sunrise Agents

    ... registrars are trademark agents and can assist you with your Sunrise domain registration and validate your trademark information with the ...

  7. Priority for Trademarks in .STORE

    The Sunrise Period is a priority-registration period which allows brand owners to ... one-stop-registration process. The Sunrise Process is a simple 3-step process:     STEP 1: ... can be used over and over again as it is valid for every Sunrise period of every new Top Level Domain.       STEP 3: ...

  8. .Paris Priority Registration for Trademark Holders

    The Sunrise Period is a priority-registration period which allows brand owners to ... a simple one-stop-registration process. The Sunrise Process is a simple 3-step process:     STEP 1: ... can be used over and over again as it is valid for every Sunrise period of every new Top Level Domain.       STEP 3: ...

  9. मुझे पंजीकरण क्यों करवाना चाहिए ?

    ... सेवा के साथ सनराइज़ ( Sunrise ) पंजीकरण तक पहुँच. Sunrise आम जनता कोडोमेन नाम की ... नाम की रक्षा के लिए Sunrise का लाभ उठा सकते हैं. ...

  10. What is a Limited Registration Period?

    ... Period is any registration period between the end of the Sunrise Period and the start of General Availability period. Thus, a Limited ...
