
Résultats de la recherche

  1. How should I proceed if I am a Registry and would like to post information in relation to my Sunrise period on the Trademark Clearinghouse website or social media channels?

    Please send an e-mail to  marketing[at]trademark-clearinghouse[dot]com  with the information that you wish to publish.

  2. What is the role of a Registrar?

    During the sunrise of a new TLD, you may go to a Registrar to request the registration of ...

  3. What is a Proof of Use?

    ... holder of the registered trademark opts in for the Sunrise service, the Proof of Use submitted by the Trademark Agent or ...

  4. What is the Qualified Launch Program?

    ... names to third parties to promote their TLDs prior to the Sunrise Period, while maintaining safeguards against intellectual property ... (TMCH), the domain name may be registered to a Sunrise -Eligible Rights Holder, as defined in the TMCH Requirements. If a ...

  5. Why are poll messages removed from my poll queue without my knowledge?

    ... e-mail. Every 4 hours, a job will check for Claims or Sunrise notifications (NORNs) that are older than 1 hour. They will be ...

  6. TMCH webinars: .CAM & DPML Plus

    ... We'd like to inform on the upcoming webinars next week: - Sunrise dot CAM : Monday October 17th at 15:00 UTC: register here - ... check your spam folder if you haven't received any.   Sunrise Period .CAM  ends on December 5th. ".CAM is the gTLD ...

  7. Trademark priority in .INSURANCE

    ... registration is reserved for Trademark Holders during the Sunrise Period (May 9th 00:00 UTC until June 8th) . Select your preferred registrar who will complete your Sunrise registration and validate your trademark information with the Trademark ...

  8. Trademark Registration in .PORN, .ADULT & .SEX

    ... To learn more, sign up for a webinar or watch the .SEX Sunrise video . Select your preferred registrar who will complete your ... Button:  More information on the TMCH Sunrise Period Already have the SMD? ...

  9. Mass revocation of SMD files

    ... they will be synchronized to coincide with the first Sunrise date and they will support multi-year mark registration. Beginning ... a registrar for registration of a domain name during a TLD Sunrise period. Test SMD files using the new, without whitespaces, format ...

  10. .zip

    CLAIMS NOTIFICATION ACTIVE Sunrise period start:  Dimanche, 2 Avril, 2023 - 00:00 Sunrise period end:  Mardi, 2 Mai, 2023 - 00:00 Claims ...
