
Résultats de la recherche

  1. Varför skulle jag registrera varumärken?

    Bland fördelarna med att registrera varumärken hos Clearinghouse kan nämnas tillgången till sunrise-registrering vid lansering av nya toppdomäner och till tjänsten Trademark Claims . Den s.k. sunrise-perioden infaller minst 30 dagar ...

  2. Ongoing Notifications

    Following the 90 day Trademark Claims Period for each new gTLD, the Trademark Clearinghouse runs the Ongoing Notifications service.  Trademark holders ...

  3. Trademark priority in .STORE

    ... first priority for registration in .STORE is reserved for Trademark Holders. Select your preferred registrar who will complete ... and verify your trademark information with the Trademark Clearinghouse. ...

  4. Registered trademarks

    A registered trademark is a nationally or regionally (i.e., multi-nationally) registered ... register in the mark’s jurisdiction. This means that the trademark in question must have national effect and be registered at the time it is submitted for verification. Download the complete Clearinghouse guidelines to check which information and documentary evidence ...

  5. How to renew a mark record

    ... now possible to prolong the registration of your mark in The Clearinghouse.   All Mark Records in the Trademark Clearinghouse are protected for a certain duration. Mark record ...

  6. Register .Beauty, .Hair, .Skin, and .Makeup now !

    ... Register your trademarks during the Sunrise and Trademark Holder Landrush periods from now until February 5, 2021. Register your trademarks through a Trademark Clearinghouse agent or at your preferred domain registrar. */ ...

  7. Migration of full OT&E environment for TMCH agents

    In our continuing mission to improve the Trademark Clearinghouse we are pleased to announce that on December 1st the OT&E ...

  8. Onde me devo dirigir?

    Pode contactar o seu Agente Clearinghouse oficial local aqui. Este pode ajudar a preparar e a submeter as ... ( Frequently Asked Questions ) Contactar a Trademark Clearinghouse Registar as suas marcas diretamente Se ...

  9. Nereye başvurmalıyım?

    Bölgenizdeki resmi Clearinghouse Aracısı ile burada arama yaparak iletişim kurabilirsiniz. ... Sık Sorulan Sorular'ı okumak Trademark Clearinghouse ile iletişime geçmek Markalarınızı doğrudan ...

  10. ¿A dónde me dirijo?

    ... Puede ponerse en contacto con el agente oficial local de Clearinghouse buscando aquí . Él le podrá ayudar a preparar y presentar sus ... Asked Questions ) Ponerse en contacto con la Trademark Clearinghouse Registrar sus marcas directamente ...
