
Résultats de la recherche

  1. How to Change Trademark Record Information

    ... of a trademark record after the trademark record has been verified. Download category:  General and pricing ...

  2. Trademark priority in .INSURANCE

    ... by insurance and security experts, .INSURANCE is a trusted, verified, more secure and easily identifiable location online. The first ...

  3. recording .BANK webinar (May 19th)

    ... May 19th 2015: introducing .BANK .BANK is a trusted, verified, more secure and easily identifiable space on the Internet for the ...

  4. recording .BANK webinar

    ... April 23rd 2015: introducing .BANK .BANK is a trusted, verified, more secure and easily identifiable space on the Internet for the ...

  5. How can we update the smdInclusion flags?

    ... can be done at any time except if the Mark record is being verified or is expired). When enabling or disabling the smdInclusion flag(s) ...

  6. upcoming .BANK webinars

    ... to inform trademark holders. BANK is a trusted, verified, more secure and easily identifiable space on the Internet for the ...

  7. dot London gives first priority to Trademarks

    ... exclusive period your trademark information must first be verified before the domain registration can be completed.   These ...

  8. .MOSCOW Priority-Registration for Trademark Holders

    ... and proof of use documents have been successfully verified you need to download the  SMD-file  from the secure Clearinghouse ...

  9. Trademark Clearinghouse Sunrise Service Available

    ... registry operators to implement sunrise periods based on verified trademark data from the Clearinghouse.  The Trademark Clearinghouse ...

  10. Clearinghouse User Interface test environment available

    ... by registered trademark agents. Once your account has been verified you will receive an e-mail with your credentials and the connection ...
