
NEW TO THE TRADEMARK CLEARINGHOUSEThis page lists the different resources available to resolve any issues you might encounter:



  • It is easy to search in the Frequently Asked Questions for common issues + solutions.
  • For any issue regarding your trademark records, please create a Support case via the customer support by connecting to your TMCH account. This is the most efficient way to get your issue resolved. Please refer to the TMCH Self Service System User Manual to walk you through the basics of using the Trademark Clearinghouse self-service system including how to create cases, view all your cases, view case details, reopen and close resolved cases. If you do not have access to your account, please create a Support case by sending an email to support[at]trademark-clearinghouse[dot]com. .
  • Lost password? This manual will guide you through the reset process.
  • If you still have an outstanding issue, contact the Trademark Clearinghouse at +32.26394870  (open during Belgian business days - Monday to Thursday from 9 AM - 12 PM and 1 PM to 5 PM CEST).