Trademark Clearinghouse fees

The Clearinghouse has two fee structures, depending as which type of user you register:

  1. The Basic Fee Structure is best suited if you only have a couple of trademarks and don't want to be assisted by an Agent. The minimum fee is 155 USD per trademark record per year, and can be paid by credit card.
  2. The Advanced Fee Structure is more interesting if you are representing several trademark holders, or have a large number of trademarks yourself and don't want assistance of an Agent. This structure offers discounted pricing through prepayment.

You can register as user by going to
Choose 'I am a holder' for option 1 or 'I am an agent' for option 2 when filling out the form.

What does the fee include?

  • Registration and verification of the trademark record
  • Sunrise services for all new gTLD Sunrise periods, not just one
  • Trademark claims services for all new gTLDs, not just one
  • Linking up to 10 domain name labels to the registration
  • Ongoing Notifications

There are no extra fees for opting in or out of Sunrise services or Trademark Claims notifications.

Details on the Basic and Advanced fee structure to add UDRP cases or Court cases to a verified Trademark Record can be found in the Detailed Fee Structure.