Lexicon beginning with S

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SMD file (Signed Mark Data) search for term

A Signed Mark Data (SMD) file is similar to a token. It is a file generated by the Trademark Clearinghouse once the trademark record and the Proof of Use have been verified. This SMD has a public and encrypted identification part and allows trademark holder access to Sunrise Periods or other services such as the DPML. 

Status Points search for term

The Status Points are the points earned by Trademark Agents/Holders who registered trademark records and participated in the advanced fee structure. The Status Points indicated on a Trademark Holders or Trademark Agents’ Status Counter will determine the applicable fee for registering a Trademark Record at the moment of registration.

Sunrise Period search for term

The Sunrise Period refers to a pre-launch phase during which Trademark Holders/Agents can preregister domain names matching their trademarks records in the Trademark Clearinghouse. This phase is mandated by ICANN for all New gTLDs and occurs prior to the general launch of the TLD. In order to register, the group or individual must be able to prove their verified rights by providing the SMD to their Registrar.

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